Thankfulness Training

Because it’s my birthday today, like I do every year, I reflect over the past year and take a look at myself to make sure I’m moving in the right direction.

One thing that stood out to me is my level of thankfulness. In January 2017 I decided to label a jar “GOOD THINGS!” and write things I was thankful for on little slips of paper, collect them in the jar, and read them all on New Year’s Eve.

In 2017 I had filled the jar about 3/4, which I thought was a huge accomplishment because it was a tough year; however, 2018 is only half way done and I’ve already filled the jar to almost maximum capacity! How can that be? It hasn’t been that much better of a year…

I discovered that I’ve trained myself to be more thankful, to really look for blessings in the everyday. That’s not to say I don’t suffer pain, or have straight up shitty ol’ days during which I wear shit colored glasses; there are certainly those days. But the difference is, at the end of the day, often I lay in bed and purposefully look for something – anything –  to be grateful for. And you know what, there is always something.

Even if I can zone in on just one item, like having 3 meals a day or having a comfortable bed to sleep in every night, there are always 5 or 6 or 10 more wonderful things in line behind that one thing.

If you’re going through your days frustrated or depressed, I encourage you to try this.

Even if you’re just thankful for mustard. Or shoes. Or maybe your preschooler yelled and screamed a little less at you today than yesterday. Once you train yourself to see it, you’ll see it more and more. Not only that, but you will have the wonderful reward of reading through and internalizing every single thing on New Year’s Eve. What a way to end the old year and prepare for the new one!

Peace and Blessings.

About littlemissjustice

People look at me and they instantly put me into a category. A chick with a mohawk (this week it's a rainbow). But the beauty of this is that I never fit into whatever box they try to shove me in to. And I never will. I am so dynamic that I catch mySELF offguard often. I like romantic comedies for crying out loud. Well not all of them...but the good ones, anyway. I just found out that I love kids too. I like them more than I like adults most of the time. You can just be yourself around them and jump around and have fun...or not. It's great. I wonder what I'll learn about myself next! I've been studying some contemporary artists, and they seem NUTS! Heheh, I can't wait to find my niche.
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